Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Day in the Life....

Dear Friends: 

We are at the CICU today at Emory's bedside.  He is improving but it is a slow process.  He is off the ventilator and is breathing on his own but is also having some respiratory issues as well as a lot of fluide that he needs to urinate out.  His breaths per minute are ranging from 30-50 whereas before they were between 60-80.  This is a big difference and improvement in and of itself.  They are weaning him off of various medicines as they see fit but each tube and each medicine do something different so they have to be very cautious.  Please continue to pray for his respiratory status as well as the fluid he had on his lungs.

The rest of the family is doing well.  Emmitt and Eli had a play date this morning (thanks to Ginger) and then Gremmy was going to pick them up and take them back to the house for "Quiet Time".  She needed to go to the grocery store and didn't want to take them with her......can't imagine why?! =)  I figured that if she were going to the store for us, the least I could do was get the boys occupied for a couple of hours!

One thing that they do here in the CICU is make a necklace for the patients.  The necklaces are used to journal the track of treatment that Emory receives.  So far, he has 23 beads.  I'll get a pic of it and post it soon.  You can learn more about it at  Also, I realize not all of you are on facebook, but for now, all of our pictures are on there.  If you decide you want to add us as a friend my fb name is Twila Herrod Williams and Claude's is Claude L. Williams (it has a picture of rhinos from his trip to Kenya). 

We are in the process of getting the blog updated with pics, links, decoration, etc.  Someone whom we have never met before but has learned about us through another blog is going to help us with this one.  Thank you in advance to Jennifer Parris.  We are finding out just how much it is a "small world" because of friends who know other friends, who follow other blogs, etc.  I'll save that story for another day, but it's very encouraging to know that people whom we've never met and who live in other states are praying for us.

I must go for now but will update at the end of the day.  We're having some "issues" today with the fluid retention but that is something that the nurses and the PA say is all copletely normal.  Thanks for the continued prayers.




  1. Continually lifting Emory & your family up in our prayers. I remember Hudson's first surgery we were told he would "turn the corner" and it was overnight that he greatly improved! Praying that Emory "turns the corner" soon!


  2. Praying for your precious Emory and your whole family. May God perform miracles above and beyond what anyone is expecting

  3. Thanks for sharing Emory's progress of what God is already doing. We will continue to pray for Emory and the whole family. God is faithful and we will be praying for God's complete healing and restoration. Love, Darlene and Thomas
