Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Surgery Update

Dear Friends:

The nurses came this morning to our room around 7:00 and walked us back to the operating area.  Claude and I were able to carry him back to that area and be with him until we go to the door that entered the operating room.  Since we've been in the waiting room, we received 2 phone calls updating us on the progress of how he is doing.  He is starting to come off the heart/lung bypass machine right now.  They have repaired the holes and are beginning to look at the valve and the arch.  Once he comes off the machine, they test the heart, and they make sure that there are no leaks, they will sew him up and take him to the CICU.  We are currently in the surgical waiting room on the 3rd floor but will be in various places throughout the hospital for the duration of the day.  Claude and I have to stay in the waiting room until the dr. comes back to talk to us after the surgery is complete.  If you would like to visit and can't find us, just call one of our cell phones.  Will keep you posted......


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