Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gastro visit

Hey Everyone,

We had another good visit today with the dr. concerning Emory.  First of all, it was helpful to know where we were going, where to park, etc.  This will be one of the clinics/doctor's offices that we will visit frequently, so it helps now that we kind of know more about what we're doing regarding driving down there.

The gastro dr. wants us to try a couple of things before they insert a feeding tube.  The insertion of a feeding tube is done surgically and they typically don't want to perform that surgery on such a small child.  We are currently giving Emory 22 calorie formula and they gave us a recipe to make it 24 calorie formula.  We also are going to give him his Prevacid differently in addition to giving him a medicine that will help him with going to the bathroom.  The Prevacid really doesn't help with the reflux, it mainly helps with the acid and helps protect the esophagus.

Ultimately, Emory's eating problems and problems with gaining weight are a result of the DiGeorge.  But, whether he has that or not, the dr. did say that babies who have reflux typically don't get really bad until they are about 2 months old, which explains Emory.  And, that explains why he didn't spit up as much in the NICU.  The dr. also said that it would get worse before it gets better.  I know those are not the most encouraging words, but I was very thankful for him taking the time to sit down with us, to not be hurried, to explain things with us and communicate clearly, to look us in the eye, to be honest with us, etc.  All of the doctors that we have seen so far have been really good about doing all those things.  It's easy to assume that a dr. should always do those things, but in today's society, some of those things are rarely seen and practiced but are greatly appreciated.  It's the little things!

So, for now, our laundry may increase and we may smell like formula and spit up from time to time, but that is just our season of life.  Next week we see the cardiologist again on Thursday and then leave for TN for some time with family.  It will be nice to have a change of scenery and to have some extra help.....all that to come home a week later and unspoil my kids =)! 

Hope everyone has a good weekend and stays cool!



1 comment:

  1. John 16:33
    "I have told you these things, so that in ME you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
    You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Asking our Abba to give you His peace (Phil 4).
